Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A letter to Mike

*please see the note at the bottom
To my best friend,

I can not believe that we have been married for 15 years.  I can't be old enough to be married that long!! 

It's funny how somethings stick in your mind so clearly.  I can't tell you what we had for dinner last week but I remember this story like it was yesterday.  It was early July 1997, I was working at Toy R Us in Springfield, MO.  I worked at the returns counter.  I was talking to a co-worker about married life (I had been married over a month and was an expert for sure).  A lady and her two children walked up to the counter to return a toy.  As she filled out the form, I was finishing my conversation.  The lady asked, "How long have you been married?  You look so young."  I happily replied "34 days" or something like that, I don't remember the exact number of days now.  She smiled and said, "I have been happily married for 15 years and let me tell you, it only gets better!  Just remember, he is your best friend, make him always feel like he is."  I handed her the money for returning the toy.  She smiled and walked off with her kids.  I stood there for while and watched her walk away.  Two thing were going through my mind - 1.  Am I going to look that old when we have been married 15 years?  2.  How am I supposed to make Mike feel like my best friend?

Every year around our anniversary I tend think back to this and ask myself two questions -  "Do I look old yet?" And, "Did I make Mike feel like my best friend?"  For years, I have to admit, I was very consumed with diapers and bottles and laundry and kids that I don't know if I was a very good best friend.  But let me tell you, Mike, you have been always been an awesome best friend.  You have listened to me tell my stories about the kids, about work, about the lady in front of me at the store in the express line with 12 items. (don't get me started about this one) You have gone shoe shopping or purse shopping more than any husband should have too.  And you don't get mad when I can't decide which ones I want.  We have laughed - oh how we have laughed!!  I could remind you of many stories about us laughing so hard we were crying about grapes, tennise courts and cleaning the shower. Since this is on the Internet for the world to read, I will not tell the whole story!!  Date night for us has not always been going out.  One of our best date nights was sitting around the computer listening to music on itunes and remembering the 80's and early 90's.  I love how you know the words to almost every 80's tune!!  You never cease to amaze me with your useless knowledge. (and this is why I never win at Trivial Pursuit)  I could keep going on and on about why I fall more and more in love with you.  I just hope that after all these years that I have been as good a best friend to you as you have to me!  I am excited to see what God has in store for us in Japan.  I can't wait to see what the next 15 years will hold. - Oh and I don't think we look old enough to have been married for 15 years!! 

This song sums up our life -

Everything is great,
Everything is grand,
 I've got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand.
Everything is perfect,
It's falling into place,
 I can't seem to wipe this smile off my face
Life's a happy song when there's someone by your side to sing along.

I love you  . . . . forever,

* I was not able to bring my photo albums and scrapbooks with me to Japan.  My mother took a picture of our wedding photo and emailed it to me.  Thanks Mom!!


  1. you and jeff foxworthy look very happy! lol I think you and Mike are perfect for eachother. hope yall have a great anniversary!


    1. We always laugh at how he looked like Jeff Foxworthy!!! We had a great day!!

  2. You write the best blogs. Ya'll are a awesome couple with a wonderful family. Love you so much and proud of you and Mike

    1. Thanks Mom!! We love you too. Thanks I love sharing my heart.

  3. Aww... this is so sweet! I will try to remember this story when I reach my 15 year anniversary... still 12 more to go... :)

    I am at the stage of being consumed by diapers, laundry, and kids... Will let my hubby know that he is still my best friend today. :) Thank you!

  4. Dear The Wyatts
    Thank you for your beautiful story of marriage.
    This is true attitude as a Christian lady, wife, and mother.
    I am very touched by this wonderful message and picture.
    God bless you.
    with love in Christ,
    Rumi Kajiwara
